February 13, 2024

Easy dinners kids will love

Say goodbye to dinner dilemmas and hello to weeknight wins!

From comforting, cheesy pasta bakes to dishes the little ones can proudly help whip up, these 12 kid-approved recipes are a win-win for both picky eaters and busy parents.  Get ready to sprinkle a dash of fun into your weeknight routine and turn ‘I don’t like that’ into ‘Can I have seconds, please?’

Ici, on mise sur les humbles pilons de poulet, la tomate et le basilic pour préparer en deux temps trois mouvements, un plat en sauce qui se marie parfaitement à nos mezzi rigatoni. À table!
Avec nos boulettes prêtes à cuire, pas besoin de grande planification pour rendre les plus difficiles à table heureux . Une recette où vous n'avez qu'à assembler et à mettre au four.

Mezzi rigatoni with chicken drumstick ragù

It’s common knowledge that modest meats love a gentle simmer. And with slow cooking, creating scrumptious meals with only a few simple, budget-friendly ingredients is easy. No wonder every nonna has at least one ragù recipe up her sleeve! For this one, we rely on the humble chicken drumstick, tomatoes, and basil to prepare a luscious, saucy dish that goes really well with our mezzi rigatoni. Dig in!


Meatballs al forno

With our ready-to-bake meatballs, no need for a whole lot of planning to make even the fussiest eater happy. All you have to do is assemble and put in the oven. It’s up to you whether you want to serve them as a starter with a slice of toasted fresh bread or as a main course. For the latter, we suggest serving with rapini and ricotta cheese.

Le poulet tetrazzini se prépare rapidement et peut nourrir une foule. Vous pouvez utiliser du poulet rôti, de la viande hachée, ou même la rendre végétarienne en ajoutant des légumes comme le chou-fleur.

Linguine with sausage meatballs

Take out the kids’ little aprons and let them make the meatballs. Not only is it not very messy, but they’ll feel that they have helped in a big way. Who knows, maybe they’ll develop a passion for cooking…


Chicken tetrazzini

Chicken tetrazzini is an old school recipe that was probably created in the United States in the 70s when casseroles were very trendy. It’s making a comeback and we love it because it comes together really quickly and can feed a crowd. You can use rotisserie chicken, minced meat, or even make it vegetarian by adding hearty vegetables like cauliflower. We’ve made it even quicker (and better!) by using our Alfredo sauce.

Ces farfalles crémeuses en sont la preuve! Prêtes en moins de 30 minutes, elles sont réconfortantes, savoureuses et santé grâce aux bouquets de brocoli qui se cachent sous la sauce fromagée.
Make room in your weeknight dinner rotation, because this revised beef macaroni is sure to capture the hearts of your little ones. Don't know about you but this recipe brings me back!

Farfalle with broccoli and cheddar

Eating well doesn’t have to take a big part of your evening routine, this cheesy farfalle pasta recipe is ready in less than 30 minutes. Comfort food to the core with some hidden greens: that’s the beauty of easy, creamy, beautiful broccoli.


Beef and soy sauce macaroni

Make room in your weeknight dinner rotation, because this revised beef macaroni is sure to capture the hearts of your little ones. Don’t know about you, but this recipe brings me back!

Cette pizza baguette est exactement ce qu'il faut pour les soirs où vous manquez de temps ou n'avez tout simplement pas envie de cuisiner.
Les soirées tacos ont de la compétition de haut niveau : les fusilis style taco! Ces pâtes nouveau genre se préparent en 30 minutes top chrono et offrent un remède savoureux au temps gris.

Baguette pizza

These pizza baguettes are just what’s in order for those nights when you running out of time or just don’t feel like cooking. They come together in minutes and are (almost) as good as the real thing without the hassle of making your own pizza dough. Try them with different toppings!


Taco fusilli

Move over Taco Tuesday, it’s time for Fiesta Friday with my taco fusilli recipe! Ready in 30 minutes, it’s the quickest and cheapest way to escape the winter blues. And whenever you need a pick-me-up, the leftovers reheat really well. Just like tacos, you can tailor them to your needs with your favourite fixings, like avocados, cilantro, and sour cream (or plain Greek yogurt, our preferred healthy alternative). Buen provecho!

Si vos repas tombent à plat ces temps-ci avec les enfants, inspirez-vous de la chic nonchalance italienne, ou sprezzatura, et préparez ce petit délice gratiné.
Des pâtes parfaites pour les tout-petits, car elles ne contiennent que des ingrédients simples qui sont souvent bien appréciés des enfants. Elles s'apprêtent en un rien de temps et ne demande pas de préparation.

Ham and cheese penne bake

If you’re finding it hard to please the kids, take a page from the Italian book of sprezzatura, or nonchalance, and cook them this dish. It’s effortless, delicious, and sure to impress even your fussiest eaters. Sprinkle some careless comfort into your weeknight meals.


Farfalle with peas and pancetta

Kid-friendly pasta made with simple ingredients that they love. Takes little time to make and no prep, not to mention it’s convenient because there are always peas in the freezer and pancetta/bacon in the fridge. Perfect for a family weeknight dinner.

Stefano Faita's chicken vol-au-vent, made with Alfredo sauce instead of béchamel.
Stefano Faita's croque-monsieur recipe

Chicken vol-au-vent

Honour your grandmother by revisiting this most Quebec of dishes. Recipes vary from family to family, but in our house we replace the béchamel with Alfredo sauce and it not only works, it works very well. Enhance this often underappreciated meal with a sauce that gives it all the glory it deserves!



A croque-monsieur worthy of a Parisian bistro! To honour this quintessential bistro dish, we’ve added our Alfredo sauce, ham, Dijon mustard, and lots of cheese! Serve with a salad or some raw veggies and voilà!